Every Organization Must Nurture Rebel Talent - Africa Nxt Gen Foundation

Every Organization Must Nurture Rebel Talent

January 17, 2024 ANGEF 0 Comments
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The greatest organizations, they are able to quickly spot the contrarians and nurture them to excellence. Everyone hates a contrarian, the employee that questions when all else have nodded in agreement. Everyone hates the manager that asks more questions, seeks out more perspectives before making the approval. The world hates the ‘different ones’ and they find it harder to thrive in organizations. Often, they will be swept out at recruitment.

At Africa Nxt Gen, we want to re-echo Francesca Gino’s book and argue that every organization needs rebel talent. Every organization needs talent that is novel, curious, has perspective, is diverse and authentic. You need the square pegs in the round-holes, the ones who refuse to fit in. It’s these people that move the organization forward. They are able to spot the future that those in agreement will never spot. Because they question everything, they defy dogma. Human Resource must have the ability to manage these talent, to give them a space to thrive.

For they’re so rebel, they sometimes will walk out on an organization. And the gap they live is always huge. No body is irreplaceable, but no body is replicable either. You can’t replicate the role of rebel talent. Another hire won’t just do it. When you find rebel talent, hold them like gold.

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