Uganda is Ripe for Its Sustainability Journey - Africa Nxt Gen Foundation

Uganda is Ripe for Its Sustainability Journey

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The growing discontent in the country over the allocation and management of public resources in Uganda has set the stage for the sustainability discussion. Although Uganda in the past has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the situation has been altered post the Covid-19 pandemic. These changing grounds create a platform for Uganda to orient itself towards a sustainable development discourse.

Everyone in the country is speaking the same language using different words, it all points to Sustainable Development. Yet, this journey on sustainable development in Uganda cannot start without a well-articulated policy and legal framework.

If you think of key players in this aspect, the Parliament of Uganda must urgently think about a clear Sustainability Act. The Government ought to draft a sustainability bill to kickstart this process. Key stakeholders to this include the Central Bank, National Environmental and Management Authority, Uganda Revenue Authority, the Capital Markets Authority, the Uganda Manufacturing Authority, the business community, and the public at large to mention but a few.

There’s a quest for this triple bottom line, an economic growth that also results into a socio-economic transformation. Uganda is at the right moment of history; the challenge is for the conversations to start rolling. Bodies such as Economic Policy Research Centre will be key in re-imagining this new future, the Ministry of Finance will also be key. At Africa Nxt Gen Economic Foundation, we’ve set the ground for a new discourse around development in Uganda.

Photo by Ivan Sabayuki on Unsplash

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