Our Lives Are Stories In Motion - Africa Nxt Gen Foundation

Our Lives Are Stories In Motion

December 21, 2023 Ian Ortega 0 Comments
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More than ever before, the world is one of narratives. May the best narrative win. That’s the message that underlies everything, every war, every fight, every marketing campaign, everything endeavor. It’s a competition of stories. The individual story becomes a family story, morphs into a communal story, then it’s a country story, a continental story and finally a global story.

At every interaction of one story with another, sometimes they combine to form a better story, sometimes one story swallows the other, sometimes they conflict and continue to do so in perpetuity. Or until they meet another story.

What story do you choose to tell everyday? What’s your life thematic? What’s your national thematic?

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ANGEF exists to write the African narrative for the next 100 years. We want to be the amplifiers of African voices,